The average lifespan of people living in a place with a reasonable level of healthcare is increasing but yet their healthspan is not growing in...
We, doctors, scientists and the general public, have always known that lifestyle habits affect health, especially lifestyle-related chronic...
Regardless of the reason one has for embarking on a weight loss journey, it is imperative that the focus should first be on Gaining Health, not...
"Doctor, why are you asking me to stop counting Calories, does it mean that Calories don't count? Isn't a calorie just a calorie?" is a question I...
4 Weight Loss Questions you must ask before embarking on any weight loss diet or programme.
The focus of any weight loss effort should be on gaining...
Most of us have bad habits that we know we need to break, but not everybody would succeed in breaking bad habits or would even try to.
There are...
“Doctor, I am so old already, why are you still trying to get me to change my eating habits to eat healthier? I am so old already, no use...
Many people, including many of my patients, are reluctant to start making the necessary changes to their eating habits for better health and to...
Many people say they 'believe' that healthy lifestyle and eating habits are very important for health, and yet continue to have obviously unhealthy...
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