About The Habits Pharmacy
The Habits Pharmacy is the name of the collection of workshops, webinars and other training programmes that we conduct to equip participants to unlock the power of Healthy Lifestyle and Eating Habits to prevent and combat the 'Deadly Quartet' of Hypertension, Diabetes, Hyperlipidemia, Obesity and other lifestyle-related chronic diseases.
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About The Habits Doctor
TheHabitsDoctor, together with WhatsCookingDoc are the names & social media handles of our Youtube, Facebook, Instagram & Blog where we endeavour to activate people to unlock the power of habits as medicine to prevent & combat chronic diseases.

About Dr Chan Tat Hon
Dr Chan is the Founder and Principal Trainer of The Habits Pharmacy & Creator of The Habits Doctor. A practising medical doctor from Singapore, Dr Chan also develops and conducts training & coaching programmes to equip people to modify their lifestyle and eating habits to better control and combat lifestyle-related chronic diseases. Dr Chan also had a 5-year stint from 2014 to 2019 working as a full-time head chef of a restaurant that he operated as a living classroom to encourage people to explore healthier eating habits.
More about Dr ChanSign up for the HABITS as Medicine newsletter
for regular doses of Information and Inspiration to help you to jumpstart your journey to fully unlock the Power of Healthy Lifestyle & Eating Habits as Medicine to Prevent & Combat the 'Deadly Quartet' of Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Obesity and other lifestyle-related chronic diseases as well as workshops and events updates.